Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Doreen's Week Two Testimonial - Great News !!

Hi Sam, I can't keep my mouth shut on this one. It's been 14 days on the program and I have more fantastic news. I slept terrific last night, a full 7.5 hrs. My sleeping patterns are adjusting and I am getting more rest. The rest of my menopausal symptoms are lessening. This means that my hormones are becoming balanced and I feel more human than I have felt in 10 years.

Pain from the fibromyalgia continues to be much lessened and my energy is to the moon. I still want to go, go, go. My skin is much more luminous and smooth as my liver detoxes itself and has a lighter load.

I no longer crave ice cream night and day as I used to. So my addiction to salt and sugar are going bye bye. I am much more conscientious about what I am putting in my mouth but I no longer desire junk food. I can watch my son eat potato chips at night and not even care that I don't have any.

And this is all in only 14 days!!!! This is awesome, really cool. Wait Sam, there is more great news. Not only have I lost .08 lbs since last Wed; but I have lost a total of 2 more inches; that's one half inch off my waist, 1.5 inches off my butt, and my bust is the same. Wow, Wow, and Wow.

Not only am I getting healthier by the hour but I am getting skinnier too. Thanks CNI!!!!!!
I am a lifer for sure.

Sincerely, Doreen Schneider (BC, Canada)

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